List of Top Diseases in Rembang Province in 2024
List of Top Diseases in Rembang Province in 2024 – Public health in Lembang Regency can be monitored via the Lembang Health Information System dashboard. The data on the dashboard comes from health facilities such as community health centers, clinics and independent practitioners using Simkes Rembang. The data presented will help plan appropriate actions for the prevention and treatment of the disease.
List of Top Diseases in Rembang Province in 2024
roskapital – The following are the 10 diseases with the highest number of cases in Lembang Province in September 2024.
Essential (primary) hypertension (I10) – 3,646 patient visits
Primary hypertension or essential hypertension is a condition of high blood pressure that is not caused by a particular disease. Primary hypertension is the most common form of hypertension and accounts for approximately 90% of all hypertension cases. Acute [cold] nasopharyngitis (J00) – 3596 patient visits
Acute nasopharyngitis, or the common cold, is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract that causes a stuffy nose, sneezing and a sore throat. In medical terminology, this disease is also called a cold.
Acute upper respiratory tract infection, unspecified (J06.9) – 3575 patient visits
Non-specific acute upper respiratory tract infection or ARI (acute respiratory tract infection) is a non-specific upper respiratory tract infection. ARI is a disease that attacks the respiratory tract, including the nose, throat, sinuses, larynx and trachea.
ARI can be caused by viruses or bacteria and usually lasts for one to two weeks.
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Dyspepsia (K30) – 2,233 patient visits
Indigestion or ulcers is a disease of the digestive tract that causes discomfort in the upper stomach. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, bloating, pain in the pit of the stomach, and a burning sensation in the stomach. Indigestion is not a disease, but rather a series of symptoms that can be an early sign of digestive disorders. If left untreated, digestive disorders can develop into more serious conditions.
Non-insulin dependent diabetes (E11) – 1,629 patient visits
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), or type 2 diabetes, is diabetes that occurs due to metabolic abnormalities, not the ratio of insulin in the blood. NIDDM is a disease
The complex is caused by genetic and environmental factors.
Unspecified fever (R50.9) – 1,580 patient visits
Nonspecific fever or fever of unknown origin (FUO) is a temporary diagnosis of fever without an obvious cause. This diagnosis is made when the body temperature remains above 38.3°C for more than 3 weeks despite supportive testing.
Simple non-insulin dependent diabetes (E11.9) – 1,337 patient visits
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), or type 2 diabetes, is a metabolic disease that does not cause complications if treated properly.
Headache (R51) – 1,293 patient visits
Headache R51 is the ICD-10 diagnosis code for headache. Headaches are the most common type of pain and can occur in various parts of the head. Headaches can be caused by various factors, including stress, muscle tension, lack of sleep, dehydration, too much caffeine, hormonal imbalances, infections, and sinus problems.
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Acute upper respiratory tract infection at some unspecified site (J06) – 1,227 patient visits
Unspecified acute upper respiratory tract infection is an unspecified acute upper respiratory tract infection. Acute upper respiratory tract infection (ARI) is an infection that attacks the upper respiratory tract, including the nasal cavity, sinuses and throat. ARI is caused by viruses such as rhinovirus, influenza virus, adenovirus, enterovirus, and parainfluenza virus.
Muscle pain (M79.1) – 1,126 cases
Muscle aches and pains can occur in the muscles of any part of the body, including the neck, back and legs. Muscle pain can attack one part of the muscle or all the muscles in the body.