A Serious Disease That Often Strikes At A Young Age

A Serious Disease That Often Strikes At A Young Age

A Serious Disease That Often Strikes At A Young Age – Serious illness can mean old age or old age. However, severe cases of the disease are still more likely to affect people under 40 years of age. For example, diabetes, kidney failure, coronary heart disease, cancer and its complications can attack people of working age, regardless of their economic or occupational status.

A Serious Disease That Often Strikes At A Young Age

A Serious Disease That Often Strikes At A Young Age

roskapital – This is closely related to lifestyle, especially urban communities which are vulnerable to stress, exposure to pollution, poor food awareness, lack of physical activity and many unhealthy lifestyle patterns. It cannot be denied that health risks, from obesity to hypertension, are increasingly haunting the younger generation in their twenties. Come on, understand the following serious diseases that can attack teenagers.

15 serious diseases that often strike at a young age
A serious disease that often strikes at a young age

1. Hypertension

The incidence of hypertension in the female adolescent population is growing. . This phenomenon is associated with low physical activity and increasing obesity. According to 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data, 31.6% of hypertension cases occurred in the 31 to 44 year age group.

It’s not just a lifestyle problem that lacks awareness of health, the younger generation and teenagers can suffer from hypertension due to hereditary or congenital kidney disease, abnormalities in the function or shape of the aorta, sleep disorders, chronic or chronic obstruction. lung disease. . problem disease

2. Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious disease where blood sugar levels exceed normal values. There are 2 types of diabetes that can appear regardless of age, namely: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes which can attack children, teenagers and adults.

Prevention of diabetes must be done early, because WHO mentions changes in the trend of diabetes sufferers which continues to increase by 8.5% in the young population or over 18 years.

3. Strokes

The myth that strokes attack the elderly has been debunked by the increasing number of cases in younger patients. In 2010, a study published in the journal Stroke found that between 1988 and 2004, strokes tripled in women aged 35 to 54.

In fact, between the mid-1990s and early 2000s, research published in Neurology showed an increase in the incidence of stroke of around 54 percent among adults aged 20 to 45 years. Interestingly, stroke cases in general have decreased, but among young people it continues to increase, up to 19%.


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Colon cancer

Colon cancer is the most common cancer that attacks Indonesia after lung cancer and breast cancer. Recent findings show that colon cancer is now affecting people at a younger age. Usually, cancer cells appear over a long period of time and become malignant with age. However, in Indonesia, colon cancer occurs at a young age.

According to specialist doctors in Jakarta, colon cancer sufferers are said to be people who are of productive age, namely at the age of 30 years, with a peak between 40 and 70 years. Colon cancer risk factors are mainly related to low fiber and an unhealthy diet, but this does not rule out genetic origins or family history.

5. Cervical cancer

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, up to 78% of women ages 30 to 39 and under 40 have been diagnosed with cervical cancer. This type of cancer can be prevented with regular check-ups, including Pap tests.
Only in Indonesia, every year, around 14,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and more than 7,000 people die from it. Those who have sex at a young age, before the age of 21, have twice the risk of developing cancer than those over 21 years of age. Those under 16 are also 3 to 6 times more likely.

6. Kidney failure

The younger generation under 30 years is still not immune from the dangerous disease kidney failure. Dr. R.P. Mathur from the nephrology department at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences in India said that many cases of kidney failure occur because patients are unaware of their disease.

As a result, up to 60% of patients ultimately require routine transplant procedures or dialysis. This is no exception for the younger generation who suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes and unhealthy lifestyles.


The fact that teenagers or young adults are infected with HIV/AIDS is nothing new in the world of medicine. Indeed, the spread of this serious virus is caused by behavioral factors and lack of education, including in Indonesia itself.

In recent years, the Department of Sexually Transmitted Infection Control (DSC) clinic in Singapore found that some patients infected with sexually transmitted diseases were as young as 14 years old. In Indonesia, until 2018, the number of children and adolescents (under 19 years) who were HIV positive continued to increase to 2,881 people. This number increased compared to 2010, namely 1,622 children infected with HIV.


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8. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Based on 2016 online hospital information system (SIRS) data, there were 2,166 inpatients diagnosed with lupus. This trend has doubled compared to 2014 when 1,169 new cases were discovered. The high death rate due to lupus deserves special attention, because 25% or around 550 people died from lupus in 2016. Most lupus sufferers are women in the reproductive age group (15-50 years), although lupus can attack both men and women. -man. and children. children and teenagers.

9. Meningitis

Meningitis is inflammation that occurs in the protective lining of the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis is sometimes difficult to recognize because this disease has flu-like initial symptoms, such as fever and headache. Usually, brain inflammation is caused by bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infections. Certain conditions, such as a weakened immune system, can also cause meningitis.

All age groups are susceptible to meningitis, including children. If meningitis is not treated properly, this condition can get worse and lead to complications such as seizures, kidney failure, or even death.

10. Lung disease

Acute lung infections and lung cancer can affect young people. What for? The main trend of infectious diseases over the age of 40 to the younger generation is due to a number of reasons. This includes smoking habits and exposure to secondhand smoke. So, especially for those of you who are often in smoking environments, try to be aware of the potential for carcinogenic materials that can be inhaled – including in children, teenagers and young adults.