Diseases That Occur In Young Children

Diseases That Occur In Young Children

Diseases That Occur In Young Children – If your child is under 5 years old, his immune system is not yet fully developed. Therefore, your little one is still very susceptible to various diseases. However, most illnesses in children are not serious so mothers don’t need to worry too much.


Diseases That Occur In Young Children

Diseases That Occur In Young Children


roskapital – If treated properly, this disease usually only causes discomfort and is temporary.

Symptoms that commonly occur in children under 5 years
Mothers need to know what diseases commonly attack their babies so they can provide appropriate and effective support. Appropriate and effective help can help your child recover more quickly and avoid further complications and infections. Below is a list of diseases that commonly affect children under 5 years of age.

1. Fever
If you feel your child’s body temperature is higher than usual when you touch him, it may be because your child’s body is trying to detect and fight pathogenic infections (bad microorganisms).

A child’s fever is said to be 38 degrees or higher. This high temperature is produced by the body to make it difficult for pathogens to survive. Mothers don’t need to worry too much if their child has a fever, he can still actively play, smile, breathe and respond well to environmental stimuli. Fever usually lasts 3 to 4 days.

2. Cold
Generally, flu viruses occur during the rainy season or changing seasons. This virus spreads very easily indoors and easily infects small children. This occurs due to the baby’s imperfect body defenses, coupled with the baby’s habit of frequently putting his hands or other objects in his mouth. This means that microorganisms can easily enter his body.


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3. Cough
Apart from colds, children also often suffer from coughs. But coughing is not a disease, ma’am. Coughing is a symptom that occurs as a defense against respiratory illness and disease. Coughing is your child’s body’s way of clearing foreign objects, such as mucus and pathogens, from the airways.

4. Diarrhea
If your child has frequent bowel movements and the stool is runny (watery), it means your child has diarrhea.

Diarrhea is generally caused by bacterial or viral infections. Other causes include food allergies and reactions to medications. Diarrhea is usually harmless and only causes mild symptoms of dehydration, such as a slightly dry mouth, feeling thirsty, and decreased urine production.

5. Nausea and vomiting
If your little one spits food out of his mouth, don’t panic. This could be a reaction to being introduced to a new food or overeating. Otherwise, your child may experience an allergic reaction to the food given.

6. chicken pox
The typical symptoms of this disease are red spots on the body which after a few days spread into watery lumps that spread throughout the body and cause itching.

To prevent this, mothers can apply itching cream. If your child has a fever, give him fever-reducing medication.

7. Measles
Babies can suffer from various diseases, one of which is measles. This disease, caused by the measles or morbilli virus, causes red spots to spread throughout the body of young children.

Before the red spots appear, your child will experience a high fever that rises and falls, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea. The fever usually subsides on its own after the red spots disappear. Over time, the red spots will turn black and eventually disappear.

8. skin problems
Small children have a variety of skin diseases with different causes. Neurodermatitis is the most common skin disease in children. The cause is allergies or very sensitive skin. Your child will feel itchy and the skin will become red, cracked, and peel.

There is also impetigo which is caused by a bacterial infection and is characterized by spots around the mouth and nose. Another skin disease that can attack young children is scabies. If your child has skin problems, we recommend seeing a pediatrician.

9. Middle ear infection
Middle ear infections are usually caused by viruses and are associated with the common cold.

Symptoms include fever, clear fluid coming from one or both ears, and dizziness. This infection usually goes away within a few days. However, the mother can be given antipyretic medication to reduce the fever.Be careful because repeated ear infections can cause sticky fluid to build up in the ear, causing a blockage that affects your hearing.


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10. Sore throat
Children are more susceptible to strep throat. This disease occurs because the immune system is weakened or the child suffers from tonsillitis.

The tonsils themselves are lumps of tissue on either side of the throat that can easily weaken your child’s immune system.

11. Eczema in children
Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a skin disease that most often occurs in children, especially babies. When a child suffers from this disease, the following symptoms usually appear:
Dry skin. Redness.
Itching in one or more areas, such as the face or neck

Because most patients experience allergic disease early on before developing asthma or allergic rhinitis, this disease is considered a health problem that requires special attention.

12. Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by a buildup of bacteria in the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections cause symptoms such as:

Pain or burning when urinating.
Recurrent urge to urinate.
Your child wets the bed even though he can go to the bathroom. Stomach ache.
Back pain. Treatment for urinary tract infections varies from child to child and depends on the type of bacteria present in the urine. To find out, you need to take your child to the pediatrician to be checked for urinary tract infections.

13. Bronchopneumonia
Bronchopneumonia is inflammation of the bronchi and alveoli caused by bacterial or fungal infections. When a child suffers from this disease, he will experience shortness of breath. Bronchopneumonia is a type of airway inflammation that most often occurs in children and is the main cause of death due to infectious diseases in young children, so mothers must be careful.